iNtelligent Common Light Controller
Simply illuminate Public’ Common’ Fenced’ areas when Dusk and Save Electricity by Dawn.iClc is designed to give you the Assurity of Light in the Evenings till Dawn without human interface. By this you Save on Electricity for about 5 hrs a Day.
iNtelligent Street lighting system
Simply use Solar Energy to Light the Dark Nights for Common or Public Use.Charge’ Store’ Light’ in a compact unit, No Skilled labour required to Install, Retrofits available for old Solar Light Installations.
iTc 2.0
iNtelligent Temperature controller
Simply make your AC more intelligent by connecting iTc 2.0 to reduce its electricity consumption without disturbing cooling comfort. How iTc 2.0 works?To become intelligent, it works on fussy logic technology whose algorithms are embedded in its micro-controller.
iNtelligentSensRecorder for Electricity
Simply get your Balance Sheet for the Electricity Bills at your finger tip and make it Profitable.Its estimated at minimum 20% Kwh (Units) of your Electricity Bills is treated as unknown Losses which can be recovered by iSense. That’s 20% profits YOY!!